Student Testimonials

More than 80,000 people have taken my courses. Here’s what a few have written.

Photo by Annie Rose Shapero

To leave your own testimonial, go here

“Heather Jo’s courses create a bridge between earth care and people care. I was really struggling to care for myself, while carrying the weight of the world, in terms of environmental responsibility. Heather Jo helped me marry those things in clear, obvious, almost hilarious ways, especially in strengthening my personal boundaries, the way I would secure my garden fences! Her courses made me feel validated in my struggles, valued in my skillsets, and empowered to make real changes.”

“Heather comes across like we imagine the true craft masters do: wise, practiced, compassionate and still curious. She helped me feel like a thing I’ve been dreaming about is not only possible, but just around the corner for me.”

“The content was wide reaching, far more than I expected. I particularly loved the videos by Heather, her down to earth approachable style was a delight. The modules varied in intensity but the ability to work at my own pace made it a great learning experience.”

“Anyone can do it, and if everyone did, we could make so many massive shifts together. The course was emotionally challenging, intellectually invigorating and really enlightened the places of my life I had allowed to go into hiding.”

“There’s so much honesty that comes from Heather Jo. She doesn’t act as if she has the answers, or some idyllic life that is perfect because of this system she designed. The leadership in the course is raw, honest, and realistic. I trust her.”

“Heather knows what she’s talking about. She teaches in a natural and personal way, and has deeply thought through how it is for women in patriarchy, and how we can take a new approach, to our lives and our writing.”

“Heather Jo has hit on something special. As a woman it important for me to write and I’m enjoying the topics she has chosen. I deeply appreciate the supportive, friendly space Heather has created and am finding it enthralling and liberating to read, write and share in this group.”

“The assignments are easy to understand, even for a non-native to the English language. If you want to grow as a person, as a permaculturist and as a writer, please follow Heather’s work, take her courses and have lots of fun!”

“I took the intro to the heroine’s journey course because i wanted to start writing. I liked that it was well-constructed, clear, informative and free! It made me realize how women are portrayed in fiction, tv, film, that is, in a very reduced/compressed manner. I was surprised that I hadn’t noticed the extent of that reduction or dismissal before. The course was a real eye opener and I loved how the it widened my perspective.”

“As a traditionally educated writer and editor, I searched for alternatives to the Hero’s Journey which didn’t fit the stories my clients and I were writing. I knew that white men making assumptions, teaching, and determining what stories were ‘good enough’ to share with the world meant we were missing the majority of humanity’s stories. Heather’s work is the best I’ve seen on this topic and her resource list has helped me and my clients further craft a common language around the work we do. I recommend Heather’s course wholeheartedly.”

“Heather knows what she’s talking about. She teaches in a natural and personal way, and has deeply thought through how it is for women in patriarchy, and how we can take a new approach, to our lives and our writing. It’s rare and precious, and she’s turned her vision into practical down to earth tools and methods.”

I really enjoyed the course. I liked that there was a variety of media and links to lots of additional information which was really interesting. The lessons were not too long, but long enough to get lots of information and the practical tips were easy to follow. Excellent 🙂

“Okay, so you did it. You had me planting me feet in the soil when I planted an English box today. Part of my daily practice was to spend more time in the garden with my kids for 30 minutes everyday. Today I was planted in the soil and I giggled like a child the whole time. Thank you for sharing that fun technique, it had me happy for the whole day.”

“Heather comes across like we imagine the true craft masters do: wise, practiced, compassionate and still curious. She helped me feel like a thing I’ve been dreaming about is not only possible, but just around the corner for me.”

“I started the challenge to work on a personal writing blockage. The problem for me is not the writing itself, but how to write something from my authentic self and take the step to share it with the unknown. This course is helping me to take the leap and trust the process, and I am so happy about it. I have been writing every early morning, and the day continues with so much inspiration. Somehow it is also helping me to communicate better and it has been supportive to the rest of my work as well. Thank you, Heather Jo!”

A lot of teachers talk about daily practice but Heather Jo actually walks through the process of designing it with you, and that is a priceless gift.”

“Heather’s course helped me design a new offering to make my business more meaningful and benefit more people around me, all according to the principles of permaculture. If you value sustainable growth, creative collaboration and nature, Find Your Eco-Niche will inspire you!”

“The course has helped me align my values and love of nature with my self-sufficient, low-impact lifestyle, and yet enabled me to potentially earn some money at the same time.”

“Absolutely 100%!! I believe EVERYONE should take this course and will recommend it to all! Btw you’re the bees knees and are literally c h a n g i n g the world. So appreciative for everything you’ve done.”

“I’ve always known that I wanted to do “something” relating to sustainability and helping the earth, but narrowing it down is so difficult! This course forced me to take a step back, breathe, and really reflect on my values, priorities and focus. Thank you, Heather!”

“I was really struggling to care for myself, while carrying the weight of the world, in terms of environmental responsibility. Heather Jo helped me marry those things in clear, obvious, almost hilarious ways, especially in strengthening my personal boundaries, the way I would secure my garden fences!”